Please fill out the summer camp registration form completely. Fields marked with * are required.
Start Date: *
Child Name: *
Child Age: *
Child's DOB:
Mother/Guardian Name: *
Mother/Guardian Email: *
Mother/Guardian Phone Number: *
Father/Guardian Name:
Father/Guardian Email:
Father/Guardian Phone Number:
Camp Type: (Select One) * Sports/Creative CampXtreme Camp
Summer Camp Plan: (Select One) * 9 Weeks $170 /week (Athletic/Creative)Weekly $185 /week (Athletic/Creative)Daily $50 /day (Athletic/Creative)9 Weeks $260 /week (Xtreme Camp)Weekly $280 /week (Xtreme Camp)
Summer Camp Week Selection: (Check all that apply) * Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9